We've noticed a theme with the names of some of our fakelite jewellery pieces. We just can't get enough of the flowers! So many pieces are named in honour of some of our favourite flora, so I thought we'd walk down memory lane to check out some of our previous floral fakelite, as well as what we currently have in the collection.

In the six years Splendette has been stacking up those fakelite goodies, there have been a total of sixteen colours with their names attributed to flowers. That's some serious flower power right there! It's no surprise really when you think just how popular floral pastels were during the 1940s and, especially, the 1950s. Every spring, mid-century designers brought out new designs emulating the fresh blooms appearing in gardens.

It took a while for the florals to wiggle their way into our collection. The first one was seen in our Moonglow range (remember that one? It is a firm favourite with our 1950s loving customers) and that was Lavender back in late 2017. However, once we got into Spring 2018, there was no stopping the cascade of flowery gorgeousness.

Splendette vintage inspired 1950s Bakelite style carved pastel Wide bangles from SS18 collection

Spring 2018 is probably our most flower-powery year, taking the first place with a total of six colours being inspired by the first blooms of spring. We had Daisy and Poppy, two colours you can still add to your own stacks, with Daisy also coming in our larger Duchess size. Bluebell was a gorgeous light blue shade, which everyone loved so much it reappeared in 2019 with its tonal pal, Periwinkle. Of course, there has to be a pink and a purple in Splendette's ranges - we think pink might just have pipped green to be our most popular colour now. Briar Rose (a lush dusty pink) and Wisteria (a soft, light purple) ticked the boxes for the floral inspired pinks and purples in 2018. And, let's not forget the vibrant Marigold which livened up the stacks providing a bright yellow contrast to the soft pastel tones of the collection.

Let's fast forward to 2019. Our bangle sets had proved a firm favourite in 2018 and so we brought them back in the Spring collection for 2019. The pairs included the returning Bluebell (paired with Periwinkle) and Lilac, which was a gentle purple that stacked with deeper Amethyst. You can still sort of get Lilac but in it's glittery variety in our Pastel Glitter collection as well! Rounding off 2019, there was a new addition to our Heavy Carved range with vibrant pink Iris. You lot loved that range so much we have kept restocking it. Classic wearers can still get it in Narrow, Midi and Wide!

Splendette vintage inspired 1940s and 1950s Bakelite style carved Pastel fakelite bangles from SS19

2020. What a year, am I right? But a few amazing things did come out of that year! One of those being Duotone! A firm favourite on our website now, and featuring two gorgeous purple shades, Clematis and Violet. Sometimes purple can be a bit of a daunting colour to work into a stack, but honestly, it's so versatile. Green and purple are unlikely but beautiful bedfellows, pink and purple go together like cheese and pickle (i.e.: deliciously), and there are so many different shades of purple that you can create a beautiful tonal stack.

Splendette vintage inspired 1950s style carved purple fakelite stack with Duotone and leopard print bangles

And we're smack bang up to date! We loved the 2020 Duotone collection so much, Eeva got to work designing some more fabulous two-tone fakelite for the Spring 2021 collection. This one went heavy on the floral names! Honeysuckle and Freesia are a lovely soft, peachy yellow and orange which give the option of a warmer neutral in stacks. Blue is always super popular (because it pairs so well with everything), and the Duotone range was missing them until Cornflower and Forget-Me-Not joined the team. Now you can add them to your stacks along with pink, brown, white, yellow...well you get the idea haha!

What floral fakelite should Splendette do next?
