About Splendette

Splendette is born from a love of all things mid century. We want to bring you beautiful vintage inspired jewellery to complement both your lovely repro and treasured, true vintage outfits.

Established in 2015 in Bristol, UK, we've grown from a one woman show to two of us and we're hoping more in the future! We care deeply about our customers, our jewellery and Splendette as a whole and are always striving to bring you the best experience we can.

We sell internationally online (here!), via wholesalers and also at weekenders so, if you ever see us trading, please pop over to say hi as we love a good chat. Thank you for taking the time to visit our little web store, we really appreciate every single one of you.

About Eeva

Hi, I'm Eeva and I'm the founder, owner and designer here at Splendette. My passion for mid century design and living has inspired me to get creative and bring you all the beautiful things I can possibly think of with Splendette.

I use vintage as inspiration for my jewellery designs and bring them up to date with modern day materials. I sometimes use a bit of artistic licence for colours and finishes but always try to remain (somewhat) true to the original source and, if you haven't already guessed, I LOVE colour!I come from a background of fashion design and buying and am finally realising my dream of working for myself on both an era and on products that I really and truly love.

It’s exciting! On a personal note, I live in Bristol with my partner, Pete. I love to jive, bop and stroll the night away at weekenders and am just head over heels with amazing 40s and 50s fashion (sometimes 60s too!)I’m super excited that you can join me on this journey and I can’t wait to show you what I have planned for the future!


Eeva x

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