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4.9 star rating 7070 Bewertungen
5.0 star rating 12/03/25
I always get a bit
I always get a bit giddy when I discover unique retro jewelry that’s fun, eye-catching, colorful + well-priced. Enter ‘Splendette’...
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Debby B.
5.0 star rating 12/03/25
I always get a bit
I always get a bit giddy when I discover unique retro jewelry that’s fun, eye-catching, colorful + well-priced. Enter ‘Splendette’...
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Debby B.

Narrow Iris Pink Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 05/06/23
Great bangle
Absolutely love this bangle got this to replace another one and over the moon with it
Libby C.
5.0 star rating 05/06/23
Great bangle

Narrow Iris Pink Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
Absolutely love this bangle got this to replace another one and over the moon with it
Libby C.
5.0 star rating 11/03/25
Just love Splendette, I'm so
Just love Splendette, I'm so glad I discovered them on Instagram. The bangles are amazing, I'm addicted!
Kelly G.
5.0 star rating 11/03/25
Just love Splendette, I'm so
Just love Splendette, I'm so glad I discovered them on Instagram. The bangles are amazing, I'm addicted!
Kelly G.

Midi Indigo Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 06/08/23
I am so excited every time I open a parcel from Splendette. I love the packaging, and I love the bangles. They make me happy!
5.0 star rating 06/08/23

Midi Indigo Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
I am so excited every time I open a parcel from Splendette. I love the packaging, and I love the bangles. They make me happy!

Wide Black Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 03/10/24
Love my bracelets!
I had brought from the brand previously without knowing the name. When I went back to my hometown and the vintage clothing store I...
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Siam M.
5.0 star rating 03/10/24
Love my bracelets!

Wide Black Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
I had brought from the brand previously without knowing the name. When I went back to my hometown and the vintage clothing store I...
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Siam M.
5.0 star rating 18/03/25
Bought a few items from
Bought a few items from Splendette over the past couple of years and never had any problems with the service, or quality of the je...
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Jacqueline J.
5.0 star rating 18/03/25
Bought a few items from
Bought a few items from Splendette over the past couple of years and never had any problems with the service, or quality of the je...
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Jacqueline J.

Wide Yolk Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 12/02/25
lovely bangles.
These are
great bangles!
They aree unusual and a lovely colour. They have been much admired.
Thank you for your help w...
great bangles!
They aree unusual and a lovely colour. They have been much admired.
Thank you for your help w...
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Anna K.
5.0 star rating 12/02/25
lovely bangles.

Wide Yolk Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
These are
great bangles!
They aree unusual and a lovely colour. They have been much admired.
Thank you for your help w...
great bangles!
They aree unusual and a lovely colour. They have been much admired.
Thank you for your help w...
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Anna K.
5.0 star rating 17/03/25
Splendette never fail to deliver.
Splendette never fail to deliver. Top quality service every time I order. They always take great care with all items packaged in n...
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Josephine W.
5.0 star rating 17/03/25
Splendette never fail to deliver.
Splendette never fail to deliver. Top quality service every time I order. They always take great care with all items packaged in n...
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Josephine W.

Wide Jade Green Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 09/12/23
Jade heavy carved bangle
I have trouble finding bangles to fit and this is perfect as my wrist is small
Sharon W.
5.0 star rating 09/12/23
Jade heavy carved bangle

Wide Jade Green Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
I have trouble finding bangles to fit and this is perfect as my wrist is small
Sharon W.
5.0 star rating 12/03/25
I always get a bit
I always get a bit giddy when I discover unique retro jewelry that’s fun, eye-catching, colorful + well-priced. Enter ‘Splendette’...
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Debby B.
5.0 star rating 12/03/25
I always get a bit
I always get a bit giddy when I discover unique retro jewelry that’s fun, eye-catching, colorful + well-priced. Enter ‘Splendette’...
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Debby B.

Narrow Iris Pink Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 05/06/23
Great bangle
Absolutely love this bangle got this to replace another one and over the moon with it
Libby C.
5.0 star rating 05/06/23
Great bangle

Narrow Iris Pink Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
Absolutely love this bangle got this to replace another one and over the moon with it
Libby C.
5.0 star rating 11/03/25
Just love Splendette, I'm so
Just love Splendette, I'm so glad I discovered them on Instagram. The bangles are amazing, I'm addicted!
Kelly G.
5.0 star rating 11/03/25
Just love Splendette, I'm so
Just love Splendette, I'm so glad I discovered them on Instagram. The bangles are amazing, I'm addicted!
Kelly G.

Midi Indigo Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 06/08/23
I am so excited every time I open a parcel from Splendette. I love the packaging, and I love the bangles. They make me happy!
5.0 star rating 06/08/23

Midi Indigo Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
I am so excited every time I open a parcel from Splendette. I love the packaging, and I love the bangles. They make me happy!

Wide Black Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
5.0 star rating 03/10/24
Love my bracelets!
I had brought from the brand previously without knowing the name. When I went back to my hometown and the vintage clothing store I...
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Siam M.
5.0 star rating 03/10/24
Love my bracelets!

Wide Black Heavy Carve Fakelite Bangle
I had brought from the brand previously without knowing the name. When I went back to my hometown and the vintage clothing store I...
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Siam M.
5.0 star rating 18/03/25
Bought a few items from
Bought a few items from Splendette over the past couple of years and never had any problems with the service, or quality of the je...
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Jacqueline J.
5.0 star rating 18/03/25
Bought a few items from
Bought a few items from Splendette over the past couple of years and never had any problems with the service, or quality of the je...
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Jacqueline J.